Reishi [Double Extraction] Ganoderma lucidum


Used for millennia in traditional Chinese medicine, it is widely known as the mushroom of immortality due to its antiviral properties.

Recognized as an immunity booster that offers protection for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as chronic fatigue.

Reishi double extraction offrers a high concentration of biosoluble active principles, envigorating a balanced immune response

Hot Water Extraction allows to maximise polysaccharides (beta-glucane, glycoprotein & other highly molecular compounds)

Ethanol extraction allows to isolate antioxydants (terpens, triterpenoides, inoesitols, ergosterols, sterols et mycoflavenoids)

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

50ml, 100ml


ACV – Apple Cider Vinegar, Alcohol [30%], Maple Syrup