Workshop – Double Dose (Introduction + Home Lab) June 22th 2019

Double Dose WOrkshop
Introduction + Home-Lab combined.
10am to 5pm, break between 1pm and 2pm.
1400 Legendre Ouest (marché central)
Montréal, Qc


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Workshop No.1 – Introduction To Applied Mycology


Fascinating introduction to applied mycology, this 3 hours workshop covers mycelium reproduction techniques and its multiple applications (urban agriculture, domestical and agricultural residual matters upcycling, circular economy, organic 3d printing, ground decontamination, water filtration, traditional and alternative medecines – DIY – biohacking)

  • – Workshops are given in the HomeGrown-Mushroom / Champignons-Maison space
      • Theoretical part
    • Fungal reign reproduction cycles of mushrooms
    • History part of growing mushrooms and ethnomycology
    • Modern vs. low-tech modemade reproduction techniques
    • Environmental interventions and objects made of mycelium 
      • Practical part
    • Mycelium reproduction made with domestic residuals (coffee grounds, wood chips, cardboard, etc…) 

    Workshop No. 2 – Setting Up Home Lab (Mycology + BioHacking = MycoHacking)

    Transforming your own kitchen into a myco-laboratory for a single night is now easier than you ever thought!

    Level : Intermediate (we recommend to participants of having previously attented to our ‘Introduction to applied mycology’ or already knowing the basics of mycology)
    Objective : Stimulate autonomy of amateur mycologists by teaching knowledge and practical skills of modern mycelium laboratories basics.
    Duration : 3 hours (half theoretical / half practice)

    Théoretical part :

    • – Fungal reign, mushroom reproduction cycles and laboratory techniques (spore-print, tissue culture, mycelium propagation)

    • – Culture materials: conventional practices and innovations made from domestic residual upcycling (petri plate dish – agar culture – simple sugar / glassware – domestical residuals)

    • – Environnement and culture instruments: sterilization, pasteurization, pollution reduction, immune stimulation.

    • – Homemade strategies: glovebox, laminar flow, sharp flame, liquid culture.

    Practical part:

    Demonstration of techniques learned during theoretical part.

    Every participant will be leaving with their own isolated culture made during the workshop

    • Order soon, limited places.

    • Group prices available for 5 reservations or more.

    • Every participant will be leaving with their own kit, made during the workshop
    • Next available dates: please contact us
  • Order soon, limited places
  • Group price available of 5 reservations and more

Do not hesitate to contact us for workshops in schools, community centers or private workshop in our own space.


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